Download and modify the Doc

This documentation relies on MkDocs to create a nice looking website from a minimal Markdown document.

This tutorial will take you through the process of cloning the documentation on your computer, building the website from the source, and adding your own courses and ressources.

Download and build the documentation locally

This first step is to download the documentation from its gitlab page

$ git clone

Then, we need to install mkdocs itself. You can follow the official documentation, but we'll supply you with a couple of commands if you're feeling lazy:

$ cd docs
$ sudo apt install python3 # Adapt for Mac or Windows
$ sudo -H python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user pip virtualenv
$ python3 -m virtualenv .env
$ . .env/bin/activate
(.env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Don't hesitate to check out our Python installation course for more information about virtual environments.

We can now properly build the documentation. In order to run the mkdocs server locally, simply type

(.env) $ mkdocs serve

And open your localhost. For a simple build, you can use mkdocs build --clean --site-dir _build/html --config-file mkdocs.yml.

Add your contribution

Let's start by creating a markdown file in the docs folder. You can create as many subfolders as necessary, as it will not impact the final website.

Once this is done, you should add it to the website hierarchy by completing the mkdocs.yml file.

To check if everything comes out as you thought, you can build the website and check it directly.

Sharing your contribution

Once you are satisfied with your contribution, you can push it to the repo. For that part, you may need some kind of autorization from the repo manager.

Everything else is automatic, Read the Docs will build and deploy the website !