State of the Art

State-of-the-art (sometimes cutting edge or leading edge) refers to the highest level of general development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field achieved at a particular time. It also refers to such a level of development reached at any particular time as a result of the common methodologies employed at the time. Wikipedia

Papers with Code SOTA

Browse the State of the Art of deep learning, divided into categories such as Computer Vision, NLP, Medical, speech, Games, Graphs, and more. Each one is then divided into its own sub fields, making it easy and fast to look for a paper. As with all papers on this website, links to implementations can be found.

Google scholars

Very useful tool that can search for paper, and filter by the publication date. From a given paper's link, you can also find all paper citing it, as well as "related articles", which makes very efficient analysis of the state of the art. As a bonus, the Cite button will give you the correct syntax to cite a paper in your own publications.

Bibex via arXiv

The arXiv bibliographic overlay displays information about works that cite and are cited by arXiv papers and their published versions. The primary objective of the project is to enable discovery of relevant research and context by providing user-friendly navigation of an article's citation tree. These types of navigational tools are available within many journal interfaces and 3rd party tools (Google Scholar, ADS, Inspire, etc) and provide immense value for researchers. Bibex